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Metadata ナ409680000‐0000 yoshitsuneichidaikizue
鈍亭魯文(鈔録) 、松園梅彦(輯) 、一立齋廣重(画) 
  1856 (安政3) 和泉屋市兵衛〈江戸〉、山本平吉〈江戸〉、丁子屋平兵衛〈江戸〉、藤岡屋慶治郎〈江戸〉、森屋治兵衛〈江戸〉、山口屋藤兵衛〈江戸〉、蔦屋吉藏〈江戸〉、品川屋久助〈江戸〉 国文学研究資料館 HP
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(When searching with Chinese characters, it is more effective to add a space between the first and last name.) : Library of Waseda Univ. National Diet Library Nijl Search Nihon no Furuhonya
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