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Metadata 8-1-9a sanjūrokkasenkashū
喜多武清(画) 、 藤原正臣(山本清渓)(著) 
藤原正臣(著・序・跋) 、喜多武清(画) 、菅原●(序) 、 槐庵源顕祖(書) 
和歌 、絵画 、歌仙絵  1810 (文化07)
1810 (文化07)
1810 (文化07) 03・
The Art Institute of Chicago (AIC) HP
Image Owner:立命館ARCHP
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(When searching with Chinese characters, it is more effective to add a space between the first and last name.) : Library of Waseda Univ. National Diet Library Nijl Search Nihon no Furuhonya
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