ARC浮世絵・日本絵画ポータルデータベース/Japanese Prints (Ukiyo-e) and Paints Portal Database Results(簡易情報)

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AcNo. AHM-1377_35 CoGNo. AHM-1377_34 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AHM-1377_34 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政02 (1855) month/day 03・ place: 大坂 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185503. )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Signature 広貞(「蘭畦」) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 003:005/02;02 Version
Title1 (「岩見武勇伝」) ( いわみぶゆうでん ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 (「三」)「岩見重太郎」 ( いわみじゅうたろう ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme 岩見重太郎  Series No. Name 岩見武勇伝 Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. GNV-E_2003-0269 CoGNo. GNV-E_2003-0269 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. GNV-E_2003-0269 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永01 (1848) month/day place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Signature 五粽亭広貞(「五粽亭」) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print 〈〉中村 慶子(〈2〉中村 富十郎)、〈3〉中村 大吉、〈4〉中村 仲蔵、〈〉中村 津多右衛門、門弟中、〈〉市川 白猿、梅隣のあるし Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 奉書判/錦絵(横) Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 摺物  役者俳諧  改名襲名披露  芝居絵  舞台図  上方絵   Theme 高砂  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-R0595-01 CoGNo. AkoRH-R0595 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-R0595 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day 09・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184909. )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Signature 広貞(「藍畦」) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;03 Version
Title1 「忠臣蔵 七段目」 ( ちゅうしんぐらしちだんめ ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 5078 Publisher's Name1 川音 Publisher's mark 川音
Title2 「由良之助」 ( ゆらのすけ ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  七段目  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-R0595-02 CoGNo. AkoRH-R0595 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-R0595 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day 09・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184909. )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Signature 広貞(「藍畦」) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/02;03 Version
Title1 (「忠臣蔵 七段目」) ( ちゅうしんぐらしちだんめ ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 5078 Publisher's Name1 川音 Publisher's mark 川音
Title2 「平右衛門」 ( へいえもん ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  七段目  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-R0595-03 CoGNo. AkoRH-R0595 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-R0595 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day 09・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184909. )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Signature 広貞(「藍畦」) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/03;03 Version
Title1 (「忠臣蔵 七段目」) ( ちゅうしんぐらしちだんめ ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 5078 Publisher's Name1 川音 Publisher's mark 川音
Title2 「おかる」 ( おかる ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  七段目  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-S0109 CoGNo. AkoRH-S0109 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-S0109 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永04 (1851) month/day 05・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185105. )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer - Other names on the print Censor's Seal - Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「大星由良之助」 ( おおぼしゆらのすけ ) Seal No.1 0075 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 鹿島堂 Publisher's mark 鹿島堂
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 - Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 - Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-S0113-01 CoGNo. AkoRH-S0113-01 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-S0113-01 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day 09・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184909 )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print 芦川 Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「風流発句合」 ( ふうりゅう ほっく あわせ ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 5014 Publisher's Name1 金花堂小西五長ヵ Publisher's mark
Title2 「大星由良之介」 ( おおぼしゆらのすけ ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 上方絵  役者絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  Series No. Name 風流発句合 Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-S0113-02 CoGNo. AkoRH-S0113-02 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-S0113-02 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day 09・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184909 )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print 其笑 Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「風流発句合」 ( ふうりゅう ほっく あわせ ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 5014 Publisher's Name1 金花堂小西五長ヵ Publisher's mark
Title2 「加藤与茂七」「中芝由之進」 ( かとうよもしち、なかしばよしのしん ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 上方絵  役者絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  Series No. Name 風流発句合 Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-S0180-01 CoGNo. AkoRH-S0180 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-S0180 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 1848 )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;02 Version
Title1 「神谷伊右衛門」 ( かみやいえもん ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme 四谷怪談  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-S0180-02 CoGNo. AkoRH-S0180 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-S0180 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 1848 )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/02;02 Version
Title1 「小仏小平」 ( こぼとけこへい ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme 四谷怪談  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP9582 CoGNo. arcUP9582 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcUP9582 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永04 (1851) month/day 04・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Signature 広貞(「小西五長」) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵(横絵) Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 5014 Publisher's Name1 金花堂小西五長 Publisher's mark 金花堂
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme 青柳硯  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP9583 CoGNo. arcUP9583 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcUP9583 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永04 (1851) month/day 04・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Signature 広貞(「小西五長」) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵(横絵) Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 5014 Publisher's Name1 金花堂小西五長 Publisher's mark 金花堂
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme 廓文章  夕霧伊左衛門  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP9584 CoGNo. arcUP9584 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcUP9584 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永04 (1851) month/day 04・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Signature 広貞(「小西五長」) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵(横絵) Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 5014 Publisher's Name1 金花堂小西五長 Publisher's mark 金花堂
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme 妹背山  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP9601 CoGNo. arcUP9601 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcUP9601 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永05 (1852) month/day 02・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print 〈1〉実川 延若、〈1〉中村 玉七 Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  口上  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0041_19 CoGNo. arcBK01-0041_19 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0041_19 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永04 (1851) month/day 05・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/04;04 Version
Title1 「かほよ御前」 ( かおよごぜん ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  大序  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0041_20 CoGNo. arcBK01-0041_20 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0041_20 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永06 (1853) month/day 03・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/02;04 Version
Title1 「おかる」 ( おかる ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  六段目  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0041_21 CoGNo. arcBK01-0041_21 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0041_21 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永05 (1852) month/day 01・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/02;03 Version
Title1 「平清盛」 ( たいらのきよもり ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0041_22 CoGNo. arcBK01-0041_22 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0041_22 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永03 (1850) month/day 05・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185005. )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;03 Version
Title1 「番頭伝八」 ( ばんとうでんはち ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 - Publisher's mark -
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 - Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 - Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0041_23 CoGNo. arcBK01-0041_23 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0041_23 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永03 (1850) month/day 09・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185009. )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;03 Version
Title1 「夕きり」 ( ゆうぎり ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 5029 Publisher's Name1 天満屋 喜兵衛 Publisher's mark 天喜
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 - Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 - Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme 夕霧伊左衛門  吉田屋  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_11 CoGNo. arcBK01-0042_11 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0042_11 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day 01・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184901 )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠孝武勇伝」 ( ちゅうこう ぶゆうでん ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「鍛冶団九郎」 ( かじだんくろう ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name 忠孝武勇伝 Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_14 CoGNo. arcBK01-0042_14 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0042_14 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: () month/day place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「けいせゐ初咲」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_15 CoGNo. arcBK01-0042_15 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0042_15 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永05 (1852) month/day 03・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185203 )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/02;07 Version
Title1 「馬のり駒吉」 ( うまのりこまきち ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「弐」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_16 CoGNo. arcBK01-0042_16 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0042_16 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永05 (1852) month/day 10・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185210. )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/03;01 Version
Title1 「酒屋でつち」 ( さかやでっち ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 5029 Publisher's Name1 天満屋 喜兵衛 Publisher's mark 天喜
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_17 CoGNo. arcBK01-0042_16 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0042_16 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永05 (1852) month/day 10・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185210. )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/04;01 Version
Title1 「ごみ太夫」 ( ごみたゆう ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 5029 Publisher's Name1 天満屋 喜兵衛 Publisher's mark 天喜
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_18 CoGNo. arcBK01-0042_18 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0042_18 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永05 (1852) month/day 10・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/05;01 Version
Title1 「在原業平」 ( ありわらのなりひら ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「五」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_19 CoGNo. arcBK01-0042_19 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0042_19 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永05 (1852) month/day 10・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/06;01 Version
Title1 「関寺小町」 ( せきでらこまち ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「六」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_20 CoGNo. arcBK01-0042_20 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0042_20 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永05 (1852) month/day 10・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/07;01 Version
Title1 「しやぼん玉」 ( しゃぼんだま ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「七」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK02-0382_005 CoGNo. arcBK02-0382_005 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK02-0382_005 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: () month/day place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Signature 広貞(「五粽亭」) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「石川五右衛門」 ( いしかわごえもん ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark ★★
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK02-0382_006 CoGNo. arcBK02-0382_006 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK02-0382_006 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永05 (1852) month/day 02・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185202. )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/02;02 Version
Title1 「杉倉氏元」 ( すぎくらうじもと ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK02-0382_009 CoGNo. arcBK02-0382_009 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK02-0382_009 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: () month/day place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/04;04 Version
Title1 「四枚続之内」 ( よんまいつづきのうち ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「四」「ぐれん坊」 ( ぐれんぼう ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK02-0382_010 CoGNo. arcBK02-0382_010 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK02-0382_010 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: () month/day place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「泰宗霊」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUY0607 CoGNo. arcUY0607 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcUY0607 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 文久03 (1863) month/day 02・ place: 大阪 Publish note: 以降 OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print 〈2〉片岡 我童 Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「片岡我童」 ( かたおかがどう ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「文久三癸亥二月十五日丑時」「最期行年五十三才」「法名 南松院春雲我燕信士」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  死絵  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AHM-1377_35 Cast 岩見重太郎 〈2〉尾上 多見蔵
Performance Title 岩見重太郎 Kana いわみじゅうたろう Section of Program 前狂言
Play Title 岩見重太郎 Kana いわみじゅうたろう Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 安政02 03・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. GNV-E_2003-0269 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. AkoRH-R0595-01 Cast 大星由良之助 〈2〉片岡 我童
Performance Title 仮名手本忠臣蔵 Kana かなでほんちゅうしんぐら Section of Program
Play Title 仮名手本忠臣蔵 Kana かなでほんちゅうしんぐら Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永02 09・吉 Area 大阪 Theater 筑後
AcNo. AkoRH-R0595-02 Cast 寺岡平右衛門 〈4〉三枡 大五郎
Performance Title 仮名手本忠臣蔵 Kana かなでほんちゅうしんぐら Section of Program
Play Title 仮名手本忠臣蔵 Kana かなでほんちゅうしんぐら Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永02 09・吉 Area 大阪 Theater 筑後
AcNo. AkoRH-R0595-03 Cast こしもとおかる 〈1〉沢村 其答
Performance Title 仮名手本忠臣蔵 Kana かなでほんちゅうしんぐら Section of Program
Play Title 仮名手本忠臣蔵 Kana かなでほんちゅうしんぐら Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永02 09・吉 Area 大阪 Theater 筑後
AcNo. AkoRH-S0109 Cast 大星由良之助 〈4〉中村 歌右衛門
Performance Title 仮名手本忠臣蔵 Kana かなでほんちゅうしんぐら Section of Program 前狂言
Play Title 仮名手本忠臣蔵 Kana かなでほんちゅうしんぐら Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永04 05・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. AkoRH-S0113-01 Cast 大星由良之助 〈2〉片岡 我童
Performance Title 仮名手本忠臣蔵 Kana かなでほんちゅうしんぐら Section of Program
Play Title 仮名手本忠臣蔵 Kana かなでほんちゅうしんぐら Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永02 09・ Area 大阪 Theater 筑後
AcNo. AkoRH-S0113-02 Cast 加藤与茂七 〈1〉中村 玉七 中芝由之進 〈1〉中村 芝五郎ヵ
Performance Title 仮名手本忠臣蔵 Kana かなでほんちゅうしんぐら Section of Program
Play Title 仮名手本忠臣蔵 Kana かなでほんちゅうしんぐら Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永02 09・ Area 大阪 Theater 筑後
AcNo. AkoRH-S0180-01 Cast 神谷伊右衛門 〈5〉市川 海老蔵
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title 東海道四谷怪談 Kana とうかいどうよつやかいだん Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 Area 大阪 Theater 見立
AcNo. AkoRH-S0180-02 Cast 小仏小平 〈1〉大川 橋蔵
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title 東海道四谷怪談 Kana とうかいどうよつやかいだん Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 Area 大阪 Theater 見立
AcNo. arcUP9582 Cast 小野ノ道風 〈2〉嵐 和三郎 独鈷ノ駄六 〈1〉中村 玉七
Performance Title 妹背山婦女庭訓 Kana いもせやまおんなていきん Section of Program
Play Title 小野道風青柳硯 Kana おののとうふうあおやぎすずり Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永04 04・吉 Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcUP9583 Cast 藤屋伊左衛門 〈1〉中村 玉七 扇屋夕霧 〈2〉嵐 和三郎
Performance Title 妹背山婦女庭訓 Kana いもせやまおんなていきん Section of Program
Play Title 廓文章 Kana くるわぶんしょう Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永04 04・吉 Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcUP9584 Cast 大判事清澄 〈1〉中村 玉七 後室定髙 〈1〉中村 政次郎
Performance Title 妹背山婦女庭訓 Kana いもせやまおんなていきん Section of Program
Play Title 妹背山婦女庭訓 Kana いもせやまおんなていきん Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永04 04・吉 Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcUP9601 Cast  〈1〉中村 玉七  〈1〉実川 延三郎
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title 口上 Kana こうじょう Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永05 02・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcBK01-0041_19 Cast かほよ御前 〈4〉山下 金作
Performance Title 仮名手本忠臣蔵 Kana かなでほんちゅうしんぐら Section of Program 前狂言
Play Title 仮名手本忠臣蔵 Kana かなでほんちゅうしんぐら Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永04 05・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcBK01-0041_20 Cast おかる 〈2〉中山 南枝
Performance Title 仮名手本忠臣蔵 Kana かなでほんちゅうしんぐら Section of Program 前狂言
Play Title 仮名手本忠臣蔵 Kana かなでほんちゅうしんぐら Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永06 03・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcBK01-0041_21 Cast 平清盛 〈4〉中村 歌右衛門
Performance Title 四海平清盛 Kana よつのうみたいらのよざかり Section of Program
Play Title 四海平清盛 Kana よつのうみたいらのよざかり Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永05 01・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcBK01-0041_22 Cast 番頭伝八 〈1〉片岡 市蔵
Performance Title 夏祭浪花鑑 Kana なつまつりなにわかがみ Section of Program 切狂言
Play Title 夏祭浪花鑑 Kana なつまつりなにわかがみ Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永03 05・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcBK01-0041_23 Cast 夕きり 〈2〉中山 南枝
Performance Title 廓文章 Kana くるわぶんしょう Section of Program 切狂言
Play Title 廓文章 Kana くるわぶんしょう Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永03 09・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_11 Cast 鍛冶団九郎 〈3〉嵐 璃寛
Performance Title 花雪歌清水 Kana はなふぶきうたのきよみず Section of Program
Play Title 花雪歌清水 Kana はなふぶきうたのなどころ Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永02 01・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_14 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_15 Cast 馬のり駒吉 〈1〉中村 玉七
Performance Title 翻蝶潤彩色 Kana つがいちょうそめていろどり Section of Program
Play Title 翻蝶潤彩色 Kana つがいちょうそめていろどり Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永05 03・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_16 Cast 酒屋でつち 〈1〉中村 玉七
Performance Title 金烏玉兎倭入船 Kana きんうぎょくとわこくのいりふね Section of Program
Play Title 花橘新古置土産 Kana みなみなやとりあわせおきみやげ Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永05 10・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_17 Cast ごみ太夫 〈2〉嵐 璃珏
Performance Title 金烏玉兎倭入船 Kana きんうぎょくとわこくのいりふね Section of Program
Play Title 花橘新古置土産 Kana みなみなやとりあわせおきみやげ Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永05 10・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_18 Cast 在原業平 〈2〉嵐 璃珏
Performance Title 金烏玉兎倭入船 Kana きんうぎょくとわこくのいりふね Section of Program
Play Title 花橘新古置土産 Kana みなみなやとりあわせおきみやげ Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永05 10・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_19 Cast 関寺小町 〈2〉嵐 璃珏
Performance Title 金烏玉兎倭入船 Kana きんうぎょくとわこくのいりふね Section of Program
Play Title 花橘新古置土産 Kana みなみなやとりあわせおきみやげ Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永05 10・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_20 Cast しやぼん玉や 〈1〉中村 玉七
Performance Title 金烏玉兎倭入船 Kana きんうぎょくとわこくのいりふね Section of Program
Play Title 花橘新古置土産 Kana みなみなやとりあわせおきみやげ Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永05 10・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcBK02-0382_005 Cast 石川五右衛門 〈2〉尾上 多見蔵ヵ
Performance Title けいせい恋白浪ヵ Kana けいせいこいのしらなみ Section of Program
Play Title けいせい恋白浪ヵ Kana けいせいこいのしらなみ Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永05 01・吉 Area 大阪 Theater 若太夫
AcNo. arcBK02-0382_006 Cast  〈4〉三枡 大五郎
Performance Title Kana Section of Program 前狂言
Play Title 花魁莟八総 Kana はなのあにつぼみのやつふさ Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永05 02・吉 Area Theater 筑後
AcNo. arcBK02-0382_009 Cast ぐれん坊 〈〉
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title 同計略花芳野山 Kana とばかりはなのよしのやま Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永03 03・吉 Area 大阪 Theater 筑後
AcNo. arcBK02-0382_010 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcUY0607 Cast  〈2〉片岡 我童
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. AHM-1377_35  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. GNV-E_2003-0269  
Other texts on the print  二檮に接木して其名を更させ  大空の光り雨露の   御恵みをねかひ奉りて 春の雨幾千代育つ松の艶   中村慶子   ふつゝかなる身に   おこかましくも   御ひゐきをたゝ願上るに 飛ひ習ひする雀子や竹の中  中村大吉 こむなのも莟の数歟●の梅  中村仲蔵   二人の媒めてたく結おさめて 春風の吹おさまるやまつの枝 尾陽 中村津多右衛門   異口同音に歓をのふ 気の揃ふ囀りゆふや百千鳥 門弟中    〇   ふたりの名開を祝ひて 梅桃に春やとゝのふ兄妹 市川白猿    〇   門葉をねもころに育て   いとむつましきにめてゝ 春の日や親鶴子つる舞ひくらへ 梅隣のあるし
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-R0595-01  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-R0595-02  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-R0595-03  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-S0109  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-S0113-01  
Other texts on the print 松島のゆきのけしきやよもあらぢ      なには 芦川
Group Description 3枚揃ヵ。(順不同)大星由良之介・加藤与茂七・寺岡平右衛門 Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-S0113-02  
Other texts on the print たのもしき小腕なりけり雪つぶて      なには 其笑
Group Description 3枚揃ヵ。(順不同)大星由良之介・加藤与茂七・寺岡平右衛門 Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-S0180-01  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-S0180-02  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcUP9582  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcUP9583  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcUP9584  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcUP9601  
Other texts on the print こたひ翫雀丈のおもひかけなく此世を去りしも つねなき.娑婆〈しやば〉のならゐとて若かりしより御当地 御上々様方の御ひゐき厚く御.寵愛〈ちやうあい〉に預る事の 有かたさよと日夜に申いたし悦ひの思ひ何にたと えんかたもなく只々此世を楽しみて身ま かりけるもまたかへ御旦那様方のおかげ成ル らじ 夫につきてもたよりなき身は玉七事 何とて四方の御ヒイキ御上々様方の 御恵みにあつかり今に亡父芝翫且は祖父 玉助又歌右衛門のおもかけなりと写させたく ひたすらに只ふして御取立を奉希上升 水きくをはなれてしおる葵かな  延若 ひとり寝の子もおそわるゝ夢見哉  玉七
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK01-0041_19  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK01-0041_20  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK01-0041_21  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK01-0041_22  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK01-0041_23  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_11  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_14  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_15  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_16  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_17  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_18  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_19  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_20  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK02-0382_005  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK02-0382_006  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK02-0382_009  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK02-0382_010  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcUY0607  
Other texts on the print    辞世 つはさをもおれてさりけり燕かな 片岡我童
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AHM-1377_35 Collection 尼崎市立歴史博物館 Original Accession No. Collection Seal
Collection URL
Copyright Copyright © 尼崎市立歴史博物館, all rights reserved.
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AcNo. GNV-E_2003-0269 Collection Musée d'art et d'histoire, Genève Original Accession No. E_2003-0269 Collection Seal
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Copyright Copyright © MAH Musée d'art et d'histoire, Ville de Genève
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AcNo. AkoRH-R0595-01 Collection 赤穂市立歴史博物館 Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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Copyright Copyright © City of Ako, All Rights Reserved.
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AcNo. AkoRH-R0595-02 Collection 赤穂市立歴史博物館 Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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Copyright Copyright © City of Ako, All Rights Reserved.
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AcNo. AkoRH-R0595-03 Collection 赤穂市立歴史博物館 Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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Copyright Copyright © City of Ako, All Rights Reserved.
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AcNo. AkoRH-S0109 Collection 赤穂市立歴史博物館 Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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Copyright Copyright © City of Ako, All Rights Reserved.
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AcNo. AkoRH-S0113-01 Collection 赤穂市立歴史博物館 Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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Copyright Copyright © City of Ako, All Rights Reserved.
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AcNo. AkoRH-S0113-02 Collection 赤穂市立歴史博物館 Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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Copyright Copyright © City of Ako, All Rights Reserved.
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AcNo. AkoRH-S0180-01 Collection 赤穂市立歴史博物館 Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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Copyright Copyright © City of Ako, All Rights Reserved.
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AcNo. AkoRH-S0180-02 Collection 赤穂市立歴史博物館 Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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Copyright Copyright © City of Ako, All Rights Reserved.
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AcNo. arcUP9582 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcUP9583 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcUP9584 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcUP9601 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcBK01-0041_19 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcBK01-0041_20 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcBK01-0041_22 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcBK01-0042_14 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcBK01-0042_18 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcBK01-0042_20 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcBK02-0382_005 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcBK02-0382_010 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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