ARC浮世絵・日本絵画ポータルデータベース/Japanese Prints (Ukiyo-e) and Paints Portal Database Results(簡易情報)

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AcNo. MAOV2688_12455-42 CoGNo. MAOV2688_12455-42 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. MAOV2688_12455-42 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政03 (1856) month/day 02・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185602 )
Artist's Name 国貞〈2〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Kunisada:2 Signature 一寿斎国貞画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;03 Version
Title1 「風流 生人形」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 696 Publisher's Name1 三河屋 鉄五郎 Publisher's mark
Title2 「長命寺、松ひら」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 見物絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. MAOV2688_12455-43 CoGNo. MAOV2688_12455-42 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. MAOV2688_12455-42 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政03 (1856) month/day 02・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185602 )
Artist's Name 国貞〈2〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Kunisada:2 Signature 香蝶楼国貞画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、辰二 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/02;03 Version
Title1 ( ) Seal No.1 402 Publisher's No.1 696 Publisher's Name1 三河屋 鉄五郎 Publisher's mark 三鉄
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 見物絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. MAOV2688_12455-44 CoGNo. MAOV2688_12455-42 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. MAOV2688_12455-42 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政03 (1856) month/day 02・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185602 )
Artist's Name 国貞〈2〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Kunisada:2 Signature 一寿斎国貞画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、辰二 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/03;03 Version
Title1 ( ) Seal No.1 402 Publisher's No.1 696 Publisher's Name1 三河屋 鉄五郎 Publisher's mark 三鉄
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 見物絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. ROM-916.09.0101 CoGNo. ROM-916.09.0101 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. ROM-916.09.0101 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政03 (1856) month/day 11・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185611 )
Artist's Name 国貞〈2〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Kunisada:2 Signature 梅蝶楼国貞画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、辰十一 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;03 Version
Title1 「初雪粧ひの夕景色」 ( はつゆきよそおいのゆうげしき ) Seal No.1 0797 Publisher's No.1 0474 Publisher's Name1 辻岡屋 文助 Publisher's mark 文 辻岡屋
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 源氏絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. ROM-926.18.1073 CoGNo. ROM-926.18.1073 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. ROM-926.18.1073 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政03 (1856) month/day 02・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 国貞〈2〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Kunisada:2 Signature 梅蝶楼国貞画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、辰二 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「当世美人揃之内」 ( とうせいびじんぞろい の うち ) Seal No.1 0486 Publisher's No.1 0153 Publisher's Name1 恵比須屋 庄七 Publisher's mark てりふり丁 ゑひすや
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 美人画  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. RV-1353-827 CoGNo. RV-1353-827 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. RV-1353-827 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政03 (1856) month/day 01・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185601 )
Artist's Name 国貞〈2〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Kunisada:2 Signature 国貞画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、辰正 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;03 Version
Title1 (「墨水花両岸」) ( すみだがわ はなのふたぎし ) Seal No.1 0666 Publisher's No.1 0162 Publisher's Name1 近江屋 久助 Publisher's mark 近久
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 名所絵  美人画  Theme 隅田川  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. RV-1353-827a CoGNo. RV-1353-827 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. RV-1353-827 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政03 (1856) month/day 01・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185601 )
Artist's Name 国貞〈2〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Kunisada:2 Signature 梅蝶楼国貞画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、辰正 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/02;03 Version
Title1 (「墨水花両岸」) ( すみだがわ はなのふたぎし ) Seal No.1 0666 Publisher's No.1 0162 Publisher's Name1 近江屋 久助 Publisher's mark 近久
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 名所絵  美人画  Theme 隅田川  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. RV-1353-827b CoGNo. RV-1353-827 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. RV-1353-827 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政03 (1856) month/day 01・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185601 )
Artist's Name 国貞〈2〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Kunisada:2 Signature 国貞画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、辰正 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/03;03 Version
Title1 (「墨水花両岸」) ( すみだがわ はなのふたぎし ) Seal No.1 0666 Publisher's No.1 0162 Publisher's Name1 近江屋 久助 Publisher's mark 近久
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 名所絵  美人画  Theme 隅田川  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. BAMPFA-1919.0918 CoGNo. BAMPFA-1919.0918 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. BAMPFA-1919.0918 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政03 (1856) month/day 06・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185606 )
Artist's Name 国貞〈2〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Kunisada:2 Signature 梅蝶楼国貞画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、辰六 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「浜名屋浦里」「春日屋時治郎」 ( はまなやうらさと、かすがやときじろう ) Seal No.1 0479 Publisher's No.1 001 Publisher's Name1 相ト Publisher's mark 下谷 相ト
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  見立絵ヵ  Theme 明烏  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. BAMPFA-1998.0063.115a CoGNo. BAMPFA-1998.0063.115a CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. BAMPFA-1998.0063.115a AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政03 (1856) month/day 02・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185602 )
Artist's Name 国貞〈2〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Kunisada:2 Signature 梅蝶楼国貞画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、辰二 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/02;03 Version
Title1 (「風流生人形」) ( ふうりゅういきにんぎょう ) Seal No.1 04020402 Publisher's No.1 0696 Publisher's Name1 三河屋 鉄五郎 Publisher's mark 三鉄
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 見世物絵  Theme 生人形  遊女内証  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. MAOV2688_12455-42 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. MAOV2688_12455-43 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. MAOV2688_12455-44 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. ROM-916.09.0101 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. ROM-926.18.1073 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. RV-1353-827 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. RV-1353-827a Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. RV-1353-827b Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. BAMPFA-1919.0918 Cast 浜名屋浦里 〈3〉岩井 粂三郎 春日屋時治郎 〈1〉中村 福助
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 安政03 06・ Area 江戸 Theater (見立ヵ)
AcNo. BAMPFA-1998.0063.115a Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. MAOV2688_12455-42  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. MAOV2688_12455-43  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. MAOV2688_12455-44  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. ROM-916.09.0101  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. ROM-926.18.1073  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. RV-1353-827  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. RV-1353-827a  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. RV-1353-827b  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. BAMPFA-1919.0918  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. BAMPFA-1998.0063.115a  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. MAOV2688_12455-42 Collection The Museum of Oriental Art,Venice (MAOV) Original Accession No. Collection Seal
Collection URL
Copyright © Polo museale del Veneto - The Museum of Oriental Art,Venice, all rights reserved.
Copyright URL
AcNo. MAOV2688_12455-43 Collection The Museum of Oriental Art,Venice (MAOV) Original Accession No. Collection Seal
Collection URL
Copyright © Polo museale del Veneto - The Museum of Oriental Art,Venice, all rights reserved.
Copyright URL
AcNo. MAOV2688_12455-44 Collection The Museum of Oriental Art,Venice (MAOV) Original Accession No. Collection Seal
Collection URL
Copyright © Polo museale del Veneto - The Museum of Oriental Art,Venice, all rights reserved.
Copyright URL
AcNo. ROM-916.09.0101 Collection Royal Ontario Museum(ROM) Original Accession No. 916.9.101 Collection Seal
Collection URL
Copyright Courtesy of ROM (Royal Ontario Museum), Toronto, Canada. ©ROM
Copyright URL
AcNo. ROM-926.18.1073 Collection Royal Ontario Museum(ROM) Original Accession No. 926.18.1073 Collection Seal
Collection URL
Copyright Courtesy of ROM (Royal Ontario Museum), Toronto, Canada. ©ROM
Copyright URL
AcNo. RV-1353-827 Collection Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen (Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde, Leiden) Original Accession No. RV-1353-827 Collection Seal
Collection URL
Copyright CC BY-SA 4.0
Copyright URL
AcNo. RV-1353-827a Collection Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen (Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde, Leiden) Original Accession No. RV-1353-827a Collection Seal
Collection URL
Copyright CC BY-SA 4.0
Copyright URL
AcNo. RV-1353-827b Collection Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen (Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde, Leiden) Original Accession No. RV-1353-827b Collection Seal
Collection URL
Copyright CC BY-SA 4.0
Copyright URL
AcNo. BAMPFA-1919.0918 Collection BAMPFA Original Accession No. 1919.918 Collection Seal
Collection URL
Copyright © The Regents of the University of California, all rights reserved
Copyright URL
AcNo. BAMPFA-1998.0063.115a Collection BAMPFA Original Accession No. 1998.63.115a Collection Seal
Collection URL
Copyright © The Regents of the University of California, all rights reserved
Copyright URL
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