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AcNo. arcUP1731 CoGNo. arcUP1731 CoOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政02 (1855) month/day 08・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185508 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 豊国画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer 彫竹 Other names on the print Censor's Seal 卯八、改 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 007:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠臣蔵銘々伝」「大星由良之助」「寺岡平右エ門」 ( ) Seal No.1 385 Publisher's No.1 72 Publisher's Name1 伊勢屋 兼吉 Publisher's mark 吉、伊勢兼
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 忠臣蔵  七段目  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP1923 CoGNo. arcUP1923 CoOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政02 (1855) month/day 08・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185508 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 豊国画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、卯八 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;03 Version
Title1 「二葉葵今様源氏」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 53 Publisher's Name1 和泉屋 市兵衛 Publisher's mark 泉市
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 源氏絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP1924 CoGNo. arcUP1923 CoOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政02 (1855) month/day 08・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185508 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 豊国画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、卯八 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/02;03 Version
Title1 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 53 Publisher's Name1 和泉屋 市兵衛 Publisher's mark 泉市
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 源氏絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP1925 CoGNo. arcUP1923 CoOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政02 (1855) month/day 08・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185508 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 豊国画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、卯八 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/03;03 Version
Title1 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 53 Publisher's Name1 和泉屋 市兵衛 Publisher's mark 泉市
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 源氏絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP3472 CoGNo. arcUP3472 CoOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政02 (1855) month/day 08・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185508 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 豊国画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer 彫竹 Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、卯八 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠臣蔵銘々伝」 ( ) Seal No.1 473 Publisher's No.1 129 Publisher's Name1 魚屋 栄吉 Publisher's mark 下谷、魚栄
Title2 「高師直」「桃井若狭之助」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 忠臣蔵  見立  大序  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP3473 CoGNo. arcUP3472 CoOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政02 (1855) month/day 08・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185508 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 豊国画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer 彫竹 Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、卯八 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠臣蔵銘々伝」 ( ) Seal No.1 385 Publisher's No.1 72 Publisher's Name1 伊勢屋 兼吉 Publisher's mark 吉、伊勢兼
Title2 「高師直」「香保与」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 忠臣蔵  見立  大序  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP3474 CoGNo. arcUP3472 CoOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政02 (1855) month/day 08・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185508 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 豊国画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer 彫竹 Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、卯八 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 003:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠臣蔵銘々伝」 ( ) Seal No.1 473 Publisher's No.1 129 Publisher's Name1 魚屋 栄吉 Publisher's mark 下谷、魚栄
Title2 「早野勘平」「鷺坂伴内」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 忠臣蔵  見立  三段目  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP3475 CoGNo. arcUP3472 CoOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政02 (1855) month/day 08・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185508 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 豊国画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer 彫竹 Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、卯八 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 004:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠臣蔵銘々伝」 ( ) Seal No.1 385 Publisher's No.1 72 Publisher's Name1 伊勢屋 兼吉 Publisher's mark 吉、伊勢兼
Title2 「顔世御前」「大星由良之助」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 忠臣蔵  見立  四段目  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP3476 CoGNo. arcUP3472 CoOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政02 (1855) month/day 08・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185508 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 豊国画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer 彫竹 Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、卯八 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 007:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠臣蔵銘々伝」 ( ) Seal No.1 473 Publisher's No.1 129 Publisher's Name1 魚屋 栄吉 Publisher's mark 下谷、魚栄
Title2 「腰元於軽」「飾間宅兵衛」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 忠臣蔵  見立  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP3477 CoGNo. arcUP3472 CoOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政02 (1855) month/day 08・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185508 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 豊国画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer 彫竹 Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、卯八 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 005:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠臣蔵銘々伝」 ( ) Seal No.1 385 Publisher's No.1 72 Publisher's Name1 伊勢屋 兼吉 Publisher's mark 吉、伊勢兼
Title2 「斧定九郎」「百姓与一兵衛」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 忠臣蔵  見立  五段目  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP3478 CoGNo. arcUP3472 CoOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政02 (1855) month/day 08・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185508 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 豊国画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer 彫竹 Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、卯八 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 006:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠臣蔵銘々伝」 ( ) Seal No.1 473 Publisher's No.1 129 Publisher's Name1 魚屋 栄吉 Publisher's mark 下谷、魚栄
Title2 「一文字屋才兵衛」「勘平女房於軽」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 忠臣蔵  見立  六段目  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP3479 CoGNo. arcUP3472 CoOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政02 (1855) month/day 08・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185508 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 豊国画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer 彫竹 Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、卯八 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 007:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠臣蔵銘々伝」 ( ) Seal No.1 385 Publisher's No.1 72 Publisher's Name1 伊勢屋 兼吉 Publisher's mark 吉、伊勢兼
Title2 「柏木太夫」「大星由良之助」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 忠臣蔵  見立  七段目  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP3480 CoGNo. arcUP3472 CoOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政02 (1855) month/day 08・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185508 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 豊国画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer 彫竹 Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、卯八 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 007:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠臣蔵銘々伝」 ( ) Seal No.1 385 Publisher's No.1 72 Publisher's Name1 伊勢屋 兼吉 Publisher's mark 吉、伊勢兼
Title2 「大星由良之助」「寺岡平右エ門」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 忠臣蔵  見立  七段目  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP3481 CoGNo. arcUP3472 CoOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政02 (1855) month/day 08・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185508 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 豊国画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer 彫竹 Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、卯八 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 009:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠臣蔵銘々伝」 ( ) Seal No.1 473 Publisher's No.1 129 Publisher's Name1 魚屋 栄吉 Publisher's mark 下谷、魚栄
Title2 「加古川本蔵」「大星女房於石」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 忠臣蔵  見立  九段目  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP3482 CoGNo. arcUP3472 CoOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政02 (1855) month/day 08・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185508 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 豊国画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer 彫竹 Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、卯八 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 010:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠臣蔵銘々伝」 ( ) Seal No.1 473 Publisher's No.1 129 Publisher's Name1 魚屋 栄吉 Publisher's mark 下谷、魚栄
Title2 「天川屋義平」「女房於園」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 忠臣蔵  見立  十段目  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP3710 CoGNo. arcUP3710 CoOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政02 (1855) month/day 08・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185508 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 豊国画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer 彫庄治 Other names on the print Censor's Seal 卯八、改 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「海老ざこの十」「三日月おせん」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark 辻安
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP3712 CoGNo. arcUP3712 CoOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政02 (1855) month/day 08・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185508 )
Artist's Name 国芳 Artist(R) Utagawa Kuniyoshi Signature 一勇斎国芳画(芳桐印) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、卯八 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「藤川水右衛門」「石井源次郞」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark 角金
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  血みどろ  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP9650 CoGNo. arcUP9650 CoOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 安政02 (1855) month/day 08・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 185508. )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Signature 豊国画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 改、卯八 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「新編金瓶梅」 ( しんぺん きんぺいばい ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 0129 Publisher's Name1 魚屋 栄吉 Publisher's mark 下谷 魚栄
Title2 「多金の阿蓮」「西門屋啓十郎」 ( たがねのおれん、せいもんやけいじゅうろう ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  Theme   Series No. Name 新編金瓶梅 Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP1731 Cast 寺岡平右エ門 〈4〉市川 小団次 大星由良之助 〈3〉助高屋 高助
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 安政02 08・ Area 江戸 Theater (見立)
AcNo. arcUP1923 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. arcUP1924 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. arcUP1925 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. arcUP3472 Cast 高師直 〈4〉市川 小団次 桃井若狭之助 〈1〉中村 福助ヵ
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 安政02 08・ Area 江戸 Theater (見立)
AcNo. arcUP3473 Cast 高師直 〈8〉市川 団十郎 香保与 〈1〉坂東 しうか
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 安政02 08・ Area 江戸 Theater (見立)
AcNo. arcUP3474 Cast 早野勘平 〈1〉坂東 嶽三郎 鷺坂伴内 〈1〉中村 鶴蔵
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 安政02 08・ Area 江戸 Theater (見立)
AcNo. arcUP3475 Cast 顔世御前 〈3〉岩井 粂三郎 大星由良之助 〈5〉市川 海老蔵
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 安政02 08・ Area 江戸 Theater (見立)
AcNo. arcUP3476 Cast 腰元於軽 〈4〉尾上 菊五郎 飾間宅兵衛 〈4〉市川 小団次
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 安政02 08・ Area 江戸 Theater (見立)
AcNo. arcUP3477 Cast 斧定九郎 〈3〉嵐 吉三郎 与一兵衛 〈1〉中村 翫右衛門
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 安政02 08・ Area 江戸 Theater (見立)
AcNo. arcUP3478 Cast 一文字屋才兵衛 〈4〉坂東 彦三郎 勘平女房於軽 〈3〉岩井 粂三郎
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 安政02 08・ Area 江戸 Theater (見立)
AcNo. arcUP3479 Cast 柏木太夫 〈1〉坂東 しうか 大星由良之助 〈8〉市川 団十郎
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 安政02 08・ Area 江戸 Theater (見立)
AcNo. arcUP3480 Cast 寺岡平右エ門 〈4〉市川 小団次 大星由良之助 〈5〉沢村 長十郎
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 安政02 08・ Area 江戸 Theater (見立)
AcNo. arcUP3481 Cast 加古川本蔵 〈11〉森田 勘弥 大星女房於石 〈2〉尾上 菊次郎
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 安政02 08・ Area 江戸 Theater (見立)
AcNo. arcUP3482 Cast 女房於園 〈4〉尾上 菊五郎 天川屋義平 〈2〉片岡 我童
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 安政02 08・ Area 江戸 Theater (見立)
AcNo. arcUP3710 Cast 海老ざこの十 〈8〉市川 団十郎 三日月おせん 〈1〉坂東 しうか
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. arcUP3712 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. arcUP9650 Cast 多金の阿蓮 〈1〉坂東 しうか 西門屋啓十郎 〈8〉市川 団十郎
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater (見立)
AcNo. arcUP1731  
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AcNo. arcUP1923  
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AcNo. arcUP1924  
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AcNo. arcUP1925  
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AcNo. arcUP3472  
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AcNo. arcUP3473  
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AcNo. arcUP3474  
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AcNo. arcUP3475  
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AcNo. arcUP3476  
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AcNo. arcUP3477  
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AcNo. arcUP3478  
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AcNo. arcUP3479  
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AcNo. arcUP3480  
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AcNo. arcUP3481  
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AcNo. arcUP3482  
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AcNo. arcUP3710  
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AcNo. arcUP3712  
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Group Description Indivisual Description
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AcNo. arcUP9650  
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Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcUP1731 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcUP1923 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcUP1924 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcUP1925 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcUP3472 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcUP3473 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcUP3474 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcUP3475 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcUP3476 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcUP3477 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcUP3479 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcUP3481 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcUP3482 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcUP3710 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcUP3712 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcUP9650 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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