ARC浮世絵・日本絵画ポータルデータベース/Japanese Prints (Ukiyo-e) and Paints Portal Database Results(簡易情報)

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AcNo. arcUP1963 CoGNo. arcUP1963 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcUP1963 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 1849 )
Artist's Name 芳虎 Artist(R) Utagawa Yoshitora Signature 錦朝楼芳虎画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 村松、福 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;03 Version
Title1 「佐藤与茂七」「大星力弥」「矢間十太郎」「千崎弥五郎」 ( ) Seal No.1 327 Publisher's No.1 305 Publisher's Name1 小林 鉄次郎 Publisher's mark 通伊二、丸鉄
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 忠臣蔵  討入り図  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP1964 CoGNo. arcUP1963 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcUP1963 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 1849 )
Artist's Name 芳虎 Artist(R) Utagawa Yoshitora Signature 錦朝楼芳虎画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 村松、福 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/02;03 Version
Title1 「大星由良之助」「高武蔵守師直」「武林貞七」 ( ) Seal No.1 327 Publisher's No.1 305 Publisher's Name1 小林 鉄次郎 Publisher's mark 通伊二、丸鉄
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 忠臣蔵  討入り図  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP1965 CoGNo. arcUP1963 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcUP1963 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 1849 )
Artist's Name 芳虎 Artist(R) Utagawa Yoshitora Signature 錦朝楼芳虎画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 村松、福 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/03;03 Version
Title1 「堀江易兵衛」「大高伝吾」「義士銘々功名之図」 ( ) Seal No.1 327 Publisher's No.1 305 Publisher's Name1 小林 鉄次郎 Publisher's mark 通伊二、丸鉄
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 忠臣蔵  討入り図  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. 5247-C004 CoGNo. 5247-C003 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. 5247-C004 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day place: 江戸 Publish note: ~嘉永05 OrderNo.:( 1849 )
Artist's Name 芳虎 Artist(R) Utagawa Yoshitora Signature 一猛斎芳虎画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print 万亭 応賀 Censor's Seal 浜、馬込 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 002:003/01;01 Version 1
Title1 「百品噺の内」 ( ) Seal No.1 315 Publisher's No.1 775 Publisher's Name1 山田屋 庄次郎 Publisher's mark 庄、中橋、山田屋
Title2 「亭主の酒呑ばなし」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 美術  書画  骨董    漫画  大津絵  狂画    Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-03 CoGNo. AkoRH-R0363-03 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-R0363-03 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day place: 江戸 Publish note: ~嘉永05(1852) OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 芳虎 Artist(R) Utagawa Yoshitora Signature 一猛斎芳虎画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 馬込、浜、改 Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 003:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「仮名手本忠臣蔵」 ( かなでほんちゅうしんぐら ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「三段目口」 ( さんだんめくち ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 芝居絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-04 CoGNo. AkoRH-R0363-04 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-R0363-04 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day place: 江戸 Publish note: ~嘉永05(1852) OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 芳虎 Artist(R) Utagawa Yoshitora Signature 一猛斎芳虎画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 004:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「仮名手本忠臣蔵」 ( かなでほんちゅうしんぐら ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「四段目 口より中」 ( よだんめ くちよりなか ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 芝居絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-05 CoGNo. AkoRH-R0363-05 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-R0363-05 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day place: 江戸 Publish note: ~嘉永05(1852) OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 芳虎 Artist(R) Utagawa Yoshitora Signature 一猛斎芳虎画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 馬込、浜、改 Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 005:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「仮名手本忠臣蔵」 ( かなでほんちゅうしんぐら ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「五段目口」 ( ごだんめくち ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 芝居絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-06 CoGNo. AkoRH-R0363-06 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-R0363-06 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day place: 江戸 Publish note: ~嘉永05(1852) OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 芳虎 Artist(R) Utagawa Yoshitora Signature 一猛斎芳虎画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 馬込、浜、改 Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 006:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「仮名手本忠臣蔵」 ( かなでほんちゅうしんぐら ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「六段目口」 ( ろくだんめくち ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 芝居絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-07 CoGNo. AkoRH-R0363-07 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-R0363-07 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day place: 江戸 Publish note: ~嘉永05(1852) OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 芳虎 Artist(R) Utagawa Yoshitora Signature 一猛斎芳虎画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 馬込、浜、改 Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 007:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「仮名手本忠臣蔵」 ( かなでほんちゅうしんぐら ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「七段目口」 ( しちだんめくち ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 芝居絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-08 CoGNo. AkoRH-R0363-08 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-R0363-08 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day place: 江戸 Publish note: ~嘉永05(1852) OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 芳虎 Artist(R) Utagawa Yoshitora Signature 一猛斎芳虎画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 馬込、浜、改 Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 008:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「仮名手本忠臣蔵」 ( かなでほんちゅうしんぐら ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「八段目口」 ( はちだんめくち ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 芝居絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-09 CoGNo. AkoRH-R0363-09 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-R0363-09 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day place: 江戸 Publish note: ~嘉永05(1852) OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 芳虎 Artist(R) Utagawa Yoshitora Signature 一猛斎芳虎画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 馬込、浜、改 Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 009:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「仮名手本忠臣蔵」 ( かなでほんちゅうしんぐら ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「九段目口」 ( くだんめくち ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 芝居絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-10 CoGNo. AkoRH-R0363-10 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-R0363-10 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day place: 江戸 Publish note: ~嘉永05(1852) OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 芳虎 Artist(R) Utagawa Yoshitora Signature 一猛斎芳虎画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 馬込、浜、改 Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 010:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「仮名手本忠臣蔵」 ( かなでほんちゅうしんぐら ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「十段目口」 ( じゅうだんめくち ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 芝居絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-11 CoGNo. AkoRH-R0363-11 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-R0363-11 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day place: 江戸 Publish note: ~嘉永05(1852) OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 芳虎 Artist(R) Utagawa Yoshitora Signature 一猛斎芳虎画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 馬込、浜、改 Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 011:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「仮名手本忠臣蔵」 ( かなでほんちゅうしんぐら ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「十一段目詰」 ( じゅういちだんめつめ ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 芝居絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-12 CoGNo. AkoRH-R0363-12 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-R0363-12 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day place: 江戸 Publish note: ~嘉永05(1852) OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 芳虎 Artist(R) Utagawa Yoshitora Signature 一猛斎芳虎画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 馬込、浜、改 Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 012:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「仮名手本忠臣蔵」 ( かなでほんちゅうしんぐら ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「十一段目 手向」 ( じゅういちだんめ たむけ ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 芝居絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-01 CoGNo. AkoRH-R0363-01 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-R0363-01 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day place: 江戸 Publish note: ~嘉永05(1852) OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 芳虎 Artist(R) Utagawa Yoshitora Signature 一猛斎芳虎画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 馬込、浜、改 Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「仮名手本忠臣蔵」 ( かなでほんちゅうしんぐら ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「初段」 ( しょだん ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 芝居絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-02 CoGNo. AkoRH-R0363-02 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. AkoRH-R0363-02 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day place: 江戸 Publish note: ~嘉永05(1852) OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 芳虎 Artist(R) Utagawa Yoshitora Signature 一猛斎芳虎画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 馬込、浜、改 Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 002:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「仮名手本忠臣蔵」 ( かなでほんちゅうしんぐら ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「二段目切」 ( にだんめきり ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 芝居絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. MFA-2009.5007.43 CoGNo. MFA-2009.5007.43 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. MFA-2009.5007.43 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day place: 江戸 Publish note: ~嘉永5 OrderNo.:( 1849 )
Artist's Name 芳虎 Artist(R) Utagawa Yoshitora Signature 一猛斎芳虎画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 村松、福 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵(横) Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「東海道五十三次之内 川崎」 ( ) Seal No.1 1068 Publisher's No.1 86 Publisher's Name1 伊勢屋 忠介 Publisher's mark 板元 神明前 伊勢忠
Title2 「新田左兵衛督義興」「竹沢右京亮」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 歴史画  武者絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. BAMPFA-1919.0582 CoGNo. BAMPFA-1919.0582 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. BAMPFA-1919.0582 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day place: 江戸 Publish note: ~嘉永05(1852) OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 芳虎 Artist(R) Utagawa Yoshitora Signature 一猛斎芳虎画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 浜、馬込、改 Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 009:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「仮名手本忠臣蔵」 ( かなでほんちゅうしんぐら ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「九段目口」 ( くだんめくち ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 物語絵  芝居絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  Series No. Name 仮名手本忠臣蔵 Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. BAMPFA-1919.0583 CoGNo. BAMPFA-1919.0583 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. BAMPFA-1919.0583 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永02 (1849) month/day place: 江戸 Publish note: ~05(1852) OrderNo.:( )
Artist's Name 芳虎 Artist(R) Utagawa Yoshitora Signature 一猛斎芳虎画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 浜、馬込、改 Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 011:012/01;01 Version
Title1 「仮名手本忠臣蔵」 ( かなでほんちゅうしんぐら ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「十一段目詰」 ( じゅういちだんめつめ ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 物語絵  芝居絵  Theme 忠臣蔵  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP1963 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永02 ~嘉永5年 Area 江戸 Theater
AcNo. arcUP1964 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永02 ~嘉永5年 Area 江戸 Theater
AcNo. arcUP1965 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永02 ~嘉永5年 Area 江戸 Theater
AcNo. 5247-C004 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-03 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-04 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-05 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-06 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-07 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-08 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-09 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-10 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-11 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-12 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-01 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-02 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. MFA-2009.5007.43 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. BAMPFA-1919.0582 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. BAMPFA-1919.0583 Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. arcUP1963  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcUP1964  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcUP1965  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. 5247-C004  
Other texts on the print 万亭應賀誌 △たちおとし ウラへ→ 女房ハ餅 仲人ハ鮓「酒々どこの女房も玉の盃そこなくて利酒のない手前がつて焼餅ばかりやきたがり 酒の見へねへ味淋なものだ それでは一舛つまらねへマア 徳利〔と〕菊酒な男山の生酒もてらず茶〔に〕されては腹がたつ今朝の お神酒を〔志〕たみ酒でそれからすぐに花見酒の隅田川から手も足も冷酒でよろよろと養老酒で戻たにそれはうそだ傾城の玉子酒と〔 〕りつけて りんきの角樽たちまちに#の〔け〕んつくで理屈も横に#どうでもかってに 白酒〔 〕のそっちへ池田は伊丹いるどうしてそんなことし酒
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-03  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-04  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-05  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-06  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-07  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-08  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-09  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-10  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-11  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-12  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-01  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-02  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. MFA-2009.5007.43  
Other texts on the print 「矢口渉場におゐて神霊逆敵竹沢を討殺す後に新田大明神と祟奉る」
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AcNo. BAMPFA-1919.0582  
Other texts on the print
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AcNo. BAMPFA-1919.0583  
Other texts on the print
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AcNo. arcUP1963 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-11 Collection 赤穂市立歴史博物館 Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-12 Collection 赤穂市立歴史博物館 Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-01 Collection 赤穂市立歴史博物館 Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. AkoRH-R0363-02 Collection 赤穂市立歴史博物館 Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. MFA-2009.5007.43 Collection MFA_Boston Original Accession No. 2009.5007.43 Collection Seal
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AcNo. BAMPFA-1919.0582 Collection BAMPFA Original Accession No. 1919.582 Collection Seal
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AcNo. BAMPFA-1919.0583 Collection BAMPFA Original Accession No. 1919.583 Collection Seal
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