ARC浮世絵・日本絵画ポータルデータベース/Japanese Prints (Ukiyo-e) and Paints Portal Database Results(簡易情報)

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AcNo. arcBK01-0042_72 CoGNo. arcBK01-0042_72 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0042_72 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永01 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801. )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer - Other names on the print Censor's Seal - Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/02;04 Version
Title1 「忠孝武勇伝」 ( ちゅうこう ぶゆうでん ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「工藤左衛門」 ( くどうさえもん ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme 曽我  Series No. Name 忠孝武勇伝 Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-07 CoGNo. arcBK01-0043-07 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0043-07 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永01 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801 )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer - Other names on the print Censor's Seal - Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠孝武勇伝」 ( ちゅうこう ぶゆうでん ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 木村 Publisher's mark 木村
Title2 「四郎次郎直信」 ( しろじろうなおのぶ ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name 忠孝武勇伝 Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-08 CoGNo. arcBK01-0043-08 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0043-08 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永01 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801. )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠孝武勇伝」 ( ちゅうこう ぶゆうでん ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「石田つほね」 ( いしだのつぼね ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name 忠孝武勇伝 Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-10 CoGNo. arcBK01-0043-10 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0043-10 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永01 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801. )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠孝武勇伝」 ( ちゅうこう ぶゆうでん ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「畠山しけ忠」 ( はたけやましげただ ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme 曽我  Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-11 CoGNo. arcBK01-0043-11 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0043-11 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永01 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801. )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠孝武勇伝」 ( ちゅうこう ぶゆうでん ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「悪七兵衛景清」 ( あくしちびょうえ かげきよ ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme 曽我  Series No. Name 忠孝武勇伝 Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-15 CoGNo. arcBK01-0043-15 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0043-15 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永01 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801. )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠孝武勇伝」 ( ちゅうこう ぶゆうでん ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「十郎祐なり」 ( じゅうろうすけなり ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme 曽我  Series No. Name 忠孝武勇伝 Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-23 CoGNo. arcBK01-0043-23 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0043-23 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永01 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 1848頃 )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer - Other names on the print Censor's Seal - Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;03 Version
Title1 「忠孝武勇伝」 ( ちゅうこう ぶゆうでん ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 - Publisher's mark -
Title2 「万野兵庫」 ( まんのひょうご ) Seal No.2 - Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 - Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name 忠孝武勇伝 Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-24 CoGNo. arcBK01-0043-23 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0043-23 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永01 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 1848頃 )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer - Other names on the print Censor's Seal - Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/03;03 Version
Title1 「忠孝武勇伝」 ( ちゅうこう ぶゆうでん ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 - Publisher's mark -
Title2 「都いち」 ( といち ) Seal No.2 - Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 - Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name 忠孝武勇伝 Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-25 CoGNo. arcBK01-0043-23 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcBK01-0043-23 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永01 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801 )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/02;03 Version
Title1 「忠孝武勇伝」 ( ちゅうこう ぶゆうでん ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 「百性十作」 ( ひゃくしょう じゅっさく ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name 忠孝武勇伝 Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcUP2967 CoGNo. arcUP2967 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. arcUP2967 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 嘉永01 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801 )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠孝武勇伝」 ( ちゅうこう ぶゆうでん ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 5029 Publisher's Name1 天満屋 喜兵衛 Publisher's mark
Title2 「石川五右衛門」 ( いしかわごえもん ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. shiUY0146 CoGNo. shiUY0146 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. shiUY0146 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 大阪 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801. )
Artist's Name 広貞 Artist(R) Gosoutei Hirosada Signature 広貞 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 中判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「忠孝扇面合」「斎藤くらの介」「武智鶴わか丸」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 276 Publisher's Name1 金花堂 小西 Publisher's mark 金花堂
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 上方絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. H-22-1-11-3(1) CoGNo. H-22-1-11-3. CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. H-22-1-11-3. AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801. )
Artist's Name 芳藤 Artist(R) 、Utagawa Yoshifuji Signature 一鵬斎芳藤画(芳桐印) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;02 Version
Title1 (年礼)「弘化五申とし 御百姓宿 本石町三丁目 茗荷屋正兵衛 正直の三には 六くいのありかたや 茗荷四極に 家業はん小 七二五とも お十九いさまの 御贔屓て こと霜とんと 延るかね大 年始御祝義申あけます」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 茗荷屋 正兵衛 Publisher's mark 本石町三丁目 茗荷屋正兵衛
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 風俗画  商売    Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. H-22-1-11-3(2) CoGNo. H-22-1-11-3. CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. H-22-1-11-3. AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801. )
Artist's Name 芳藤 Artist(R) 、Utagawa Yoshifuji Signature 一鵬斎芳藤画(芳桐印) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/02;02 Version
Title1 (年礼)「弘化五申とし 御百姓宿 本石町三丁目 茗荷屋正兵衛 正直の三には 六くいのありかたや 茗荷四極に 家業はん小 七二五とも お十九いさまの 御贔屓て こと霜とんと 延るかね大 年始御祝義申あけます」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 茗荷屋 正兵衛 Publisher's mark 本石町三丁目 茗荷屋正兵衛
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 風俗画  商売    Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. LOC00441 CoGNo. LOC00441 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. LOC00441 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801. )
Artist's Name 国芳 Artist(R) Utagawa Kuniyoshi Signature 一勇斎国芳画(芳桐印) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 浜、衣笠 Size & Tech. Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「博多小女郎」「毛剃九右衛門」「小松屋宗七」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. LOC00443 CoGNo. LOC00443 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. LOC00443 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801. )
Artist's Name 国芳 Artist(R) Utagawa Kuniyoshi Signature 一勇斎国芳画(芳桐印) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「毛剃九右衛門」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. LOC00721 CoGNo. LOC00721 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. LOC00721 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 江戸 Publish note: 出版月は「名主双印試考」により推定 OrderNo.:( 184801 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 梓元乃応需豊国画(年玉印) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 衣笠、浜 Size & Tech. Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「曽我ノ五郎時宗」「曽我ノ十郎祐成」「一臈別当祐経」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 山本 平吉 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. LOC00723 CoGNo. LOC00723 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. LOC00723 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 江戸 Publish note: 出版月は「名主双印試考」により推定 OrderNo.:( 184801 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 応需豊国画(年玉印) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 衣笠、浜 Size & Tech. Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「一臈別当祐経」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 山本 平吉 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. LOC00722 CoGNo. LOC00723 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. LOC00723 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 江戸 Publish note: 出版月は「名主双印試考」により推定 OrderNo.:( 184801 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 梓元乃応需豊国画(年玉印) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 衣笠、浜 Size & Tech. Continued direction Position 001:001/02;03 Version
Title1 「曽我ノ十郎祐成」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 山本 平吉 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. LOC00724 CoGNo. LOC00723 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. LOC00723 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 江戸 Publish note: 出版月は「名主双印試考」により推定 OrderNo.:( 184801 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 梓元乃応需豊国画(年玉印) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 衣笠、浜 Size & Tech. Continued direction Position 001:001/03;03 Version
Title1 「曽我ノ五郎時宗」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 山本 平吉 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. LOC01602 CoGNo. LOC01602 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. LOC01602 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 江戸 Publish note: 出版月は「名主双印試考」により推定 OrderNo.:( 184801 )
Artist's Name 国芳 Artist(R) Utagawa Kuniyoshi Signature 一勇斎国芳画(芳桐印) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「近江小藤太成家」「大磯ノとら」「工藤左衛門祐経」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 海老屋 林之助 Publisher's mark
Title2 「曽我五郎時宗」「曽我十郎祐成」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. LOC01604 CoGNo. LOC01604 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. LOC01604 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801. )
Artist's Name 国芳 Artist(R) Utagawa Kuniyoshi Signature 一勇斎国芳画(芳桐印) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 衣笠、浜 Size & Tech. Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「工藤左衛門祐経」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 海老屋 林之助 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. LOC01736 CoGNo. LOC01736 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. LOC01736 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801. )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 応需豊国画(年玉印) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「はかた小女郎」「毛そり九衛門」「小町屋惣七」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark 佐野喜
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. LOC01738 CoGNo. LOC01738 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. LOC01738 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801. )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 応需豊国画(年玉印) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「毛そり九衛門」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. LOC01739 CoGNo. LOC01739 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. LOC01739 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801. )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 応需豊国画(年玉印) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal Size & Tech. Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「はかた小女郎」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. N209-007 CoGNo. N209-007 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. N209-007 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801 )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 梓元乃応需豊国画 Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 衣笠、浜 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「重の井新左エ門」「ぢねんじよのお三」 ( ) Seal No.1 485 Publisher's No.1 153 Publisher's Name1 恵比須屋 庄七ヵ Publisher's mark てりふり丁、中仁
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  丹波与作と重の井  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. N261-001(01) CoGNo. N261-001 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. N261-001 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801 )
Artist's Name 国芳 Artist(R) Utagawa Kuniyoshi Signature 一勇斎国芳画(芳桐印) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 衣笠、浜 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;03 Version
Title1 「三日三夜の大一座に浮れ廓全盛遊 釣狐罠環菊」 ( ) Seal No.1 641 Publisher's No.1 111 Publisher's Name1 伊場屋 仙三郎 Publisher's mark
Title2 「あさひ太夫」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  釣狐  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. N261-001(02) CoGNo. N261-001 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. N261-001 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801 )
Artist's Name 国芳 Artist(R) Utagawa Kuniyoshi Signature 一勇斎国芳画(芳桐印) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 衣笠、浜 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/02;03 Version
Title1 「工藤祐経」 ( ) Seal No.1 773 Publisher's No.1 111 Publisher's Name1 伊場屋 仙三郎 Publisher's mark 伊場仙板
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  釣狐  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. N261-001(03) CoGNo. N261-001 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. N261-001 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801 )
Artist's Name 国芳 Artist(R) Utagawa Kuniyoshi Signature 一勇斎国芳画(芳桐印) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal 衣笠、浜 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/03;03 Version
Title1 「五郎時宗」「小林屋鶴吉」 ( ) Seal No.1 641 Publisher's No.1 111 Publisher's Name1 伊場屋 仙三郎 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  釣狐  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. NDL-143-03-049 CoGNo. NDL-143-03-049 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. NDL-143-03-049 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801. )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 豊国画(年玉枠) Block Carver, Printer 彫ヲタ吉 Other names on the print Censor's Seal 村田、衣笠、子十二 Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;01 Version
Title1 「木曽六十九駅」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark カト
Title2 「大久手 琵琶峠」「日向景清」 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. NDL-184-01-044 CoGNo. NDL-184-01-044 CoOverlap: 1 AlGNo. NDL-184-01-044 AlOverlap: 1 Date of publication: 弘化05 (1848) month/day 01・ place: 江戸 Publish note: OrderNo.:( 184801. )
Artist's Name 豊国〈3〉 Artist(R) Utagawa Toyokuni:3 Signature 梓元の応需豊国画(年玉印) Block Carver, Printer Other names on the print Censor's Seal (切断にて不明) Size & Tech. 大判/錦絵 Continued direction Position 001:001/01;03 Version
Title1 「鬼王小僧七郎助」 ( ) Seal No.1 Publisher's No.1 Publisher's Name1 Publisher's mark
Title2 ( ) Seal No.2 Publisher's No.2 Publisher's Name2 Publisher's note
Genre 役者絵  Theme   Series No. Name Object Genre 浮世絵
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_72 Cast 工藤左衛門 〈4〉三枡 大五郎
Performance Title けいせい曽我鎌倉☆ Kana けいせいそがかまくらだいじん Section of Program
Play Title けいせい曽我鎌倉☆ Kana けいせいそがかまくらだいじん Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永01 01・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-07 Cast 狩野四郎次郎 〈2〉片岡 我童
Performance Title けいせい石川染 Kana けいせいいしかわぞめ Section of Program
Play Title けいせい石川染 Kana けいせいいしかわぞめ Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永01 01・ Area 大阪 Theater 筑後
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-08 Cast 石田つほね 〈3〉嵐 璃寛
Performance Title けいせい石川染 Kana けいせいいしかわぞめ Section of Program
Play Title けいせい石川染 Kana けいせいいしかわぞめ Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永01 01・ Area 大阪 Theater 筑後
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-10 Cast 畠山重忠 〈4〉三枡 大五郎
Performance Title けいせい曽我鎌倉☆ Kana けいせいそがかまくらだいじん Section of Program
Play Title けいせい曽我鎌倉☆ Kana けいせいそがかまくらだいじん Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永01 01・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-11 Cast 悪七兵衛景清 〈5〉市川海老蔵
Performance Title けいせい曽我鎌倉☆ Kana けいせいそがかまくらだいじん Section of Program
Play Title けいせい曽我鎌倉☆ Kana けいせいそがかまくらだいじん Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永01 01・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-15 Cast 十郎祐成 〈1〉実川 延三郎
Performance Title けいせい曽我鎌倉☆ Kana Section of Program
Play Title けいせい曽我鎌倉☆ Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永01 Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-23 Cast 万野兵庫 〈3〉嵐 吉三郎
Performance Title けいせい忍術池 Kana けいせいしのばずがいけ Section of Program
Play Title けいせい忍術池 Kana けいせいしのばずがいけ Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 01・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-24 Cast 都いち 〈2〉嵐 璃珏
Performance Title けいせい忍術池 Kana けいせいしのばずがいけ Section of Program
Play Title けいせい忍術池 Kana けいせいしのばずがいけ Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永01 01・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-25 Cast 百性寿さく 〈2〉坂東 寿太郎
Performance Title けいせい忍術池 Kana けいせいしのばずがいけ Section of Program
Play Title けいせい忍術池 Kana けいせいしのばずがいけ Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永01 01・ Area 大阪 Theater
AcNo. arcUP2967 Cast 石川五右衛門 〈3〉嵐 璃寛
Performance Title けいせい石川染 Kana けいせいいしかわぞめ Section of Program
Play Title けいせい石川染 Kana けいせいいしかわぞめ Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 嘉永01 01・ Area 大阪 Theater 筑後
AcNo. shiUY0146 Cast 武智鶴わか丸 〈1〉中村 玉七 斎藤くらの介 〈2〉片岡 我童
Performance Title けいせい石川染 Kana けいせいいしかわぞめ Section of Program
Play Title けいせい石川染 Kana けいせいいしかわぞめ Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 01・吉 Area 大阪 Theater 筑後
AcNo. H-22-1-11-3(1) Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. H-22-1-11-3(2) Cast  
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance Area Theater
AcNo. LOC00441 Cast  
Performance Title 初春寿曽我 Kana はつはるのおんことぶきそが Section of Program 二番目序幕
Play Title 三升独鈷博多襠 Kana ますどっこはかたのうちかけ Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 01・13 Area 江戸 Theater 市村座
AcNo. LOC00443 Cast 毛剃九右衛門 〈8〉市川 団十郎
Performance Title 初春寿曽我 Kana はつはるのおんことぶきそが Section of Program 二番目序幕
Play Title 三升独鈷博多襠 Kana ますどっこはかたのうちかけ Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 01・13 Area 江戸 Theater 市村座
AcNo. LOC00721 Cast 曽我ノ五郎時宗 〈4〉市川 小団次 曽我ノ十郎祐成 〈8〉市川 団十郎 一臈別当祐経 〈12〉市村 羽左衛門
Performance Title 初春寿曽我 Kana はつはるのおんことぶきそが Section of Program 一番目大詰
Play Title 初春寿曽我 Kana はつはるのおんことぶきそが Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 01・13 Area 江戸 Theater 市村座
AcNo. LOC00723 Cast 一臈別当祐経 〈12〉市村 羽左衛門
Performance Title 初春寿曽我 Kana はつはるのおんことぶきそが Section of Program 一番目
Play Title 初春寿曽我 Kana はつはるのおんことぶきそが Act and Scene 大詰
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 01・13 Area 江戸 Theater 市村座
AcNo. LOC00722 Cast 曽我ノ十郎祐成 〈8〉市川 団十郎
Performance Title 初春寿曽我 Kana はつはるのおんことぶきそが Section of Program 一番目
Play Title 初春寿曽我 Kana はつはるのおんことぶきそが Act and Scene 大詰
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 01・13 Area 江戸 Theater 市村座
AcNo. LOC00724 Cast 曽我ノ五郎時宗 〈4〉市川 小団次
Performance Title 初春寿曽我 Kana はつはるのおんことぶきそが Section of Program 一番目
Play Title 初春寿曽我 Kana はつはるのおんことぶきそが Act and Scene 大詰
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 01・13 Area 江戸 Theater 市村座
AcNo. LOC01602 Cast  
Performance Title 初春寿曽我 Kana Section of Program 一番目
Play Title 初春寿曽我 Kana Act and Scene 大詰
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 01・ Area 江戸 Theater 市村座
AcNo. LOC01604 Cast 工藤左衛門祐経 〈12〉市村 羽左衛門
Performance Title 初春寿曽我 Kana はつはるのおんことぶきそが Section of Program 一番目大詰
Play Title 初春寿曽我 Kana はつはるのおんことぶきそが Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 01・13 Area 江戸 Theater 市村座
AcNo. LOC01736 Cast  
Performance Title 初春寿曽我 Kana Section of Program
Play Title 三升独鈷博多襠 Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 01・ Area 江戸 Theater 市村座
AcNo. LOC01738 Cast 毛そり九衛門 〈8〉市川 団十郎
Performance Title 初春寿曽我 Kana Section of Program
Play Title 三升独鈷博多襠 Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 01・ Area 江戸 Theater 市村座
AcNo. LOC01739 Cast はかた小女郎 〈1〉坂東 しうか
Performance Title 初春寿曽我 Kana Section of Program
Play Title 三升独鈷博多襠 Kana Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 01・ Area 江戸 Theater 市村座
AcNo. N209-007 Cast 重の井新左エ門 〈5〉沢村 宗十郎 ぢねんじよのお三 〈3〉河原崎 長十郎
Performance Title Kana Section of Program
Play Title 吉例曽我訥子玉 Kana きちれいそがのとしだま Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 01・24 Area 江戸 Theater 河原崎座
AcNo. N261-001(01) Cast あさひ太夫 〈4〉尾上 梅幸
Performance Title 吉例曽我訥子玉 Kana きちれいそがのとしだま Section of Program 一番目五立目
Play Title 吉例曽我訥子玉 Kana きちれいそがのとしだま Act and Scene
Dance Title 釣狐罠環菊 Kana つりぎつねわなにかんぎく Music 清元
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 01・24 Area 江戸 Theater 河原崎座
AcNo. N261-001(02) Cast 工藤祐経 〈5〉沢村 宗十郎
Performance Title 吉例曽我訥子玉 Kana きちれいそがのとしだま Section of Program 一番目五立目
Play Title 吉例曽我訥子玉 Kana きちれいそがのとしだま Act and Scene
Dance Title 釣狐罠環菊 Kana つりぎつねわなにかんぎく Music 清元
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 01・24 Area 江戸 Theater 河原崎座
AcNo. N261-001(03) Cast 五郎時宗 〈1〉松本 錦升 小林屋鶴吉 〈〉
Performance Title 吉例曽我訥子玉 Kana きちれいそがのとしだま Section of Program 一番目五立目
Play Title 吉例曽我訥子玉 Kana きちれいそがのとしだま Act and Scene
Dance Title 釣狐罠環菊 Kana つりぎつねわなにかんぎく Music 清元
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 01・24 Area 江戸 Theater 河原崎座
AcNo. NDL-143-03-049 Cast 景清 〈4〉中村 歌右衛門
Performance Title 月梅摂景清 Kana つきのうめめぐみのかげきよ Section of Program 一番目大詰
Play Title 月梅摂景清 Kana つきのうめめぐみのかげきよ Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 01・14 Area 江戸 Theater 中村座
AcNo. NDL-184-01-044 Cast 鬼王小僧七郎助 〈8〉市川 団十郎
Performance Title 初春寿曽我 Kana はつはるのおんことぶきそが Section of Program 一番目五立目
Play Title 初春寿曽我 Kana はつはるのおんことぶきそが Act and Scene
Dance Title Kana Music
Detail Kana Date of Performance 弘化05 01・13 Area Theater 市村座
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_72  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
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AcNo. arcBK01-0043-07  
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Group Description Indivisual Description
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AcNo. arcBK01-0043-08  
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Group Description Indivisual Description
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AcNo. arcBK01-0043-10  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-11  
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Group Description Indivisual Description
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AcNo. arcBK01-0043-15  
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Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-23  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description 似顔は〈2〉嵐璃珏。万野兵庫役は〈3〉嵐吉三郎となっている。
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-24  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK01-0043-25  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description 番付には「百性寿さく」とあり。
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcUP2967  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. shiUY0146  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. H-22-1-11-3(1)  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description 百姓宿茗荷屋正兵衛の配布した大小暦。
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. H-22-1-11-3(2)  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description 百姓宿茗荷屋正兵衛の配布した大小暦。
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. LOC00441  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. LOC00443  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. LOC00721  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. LOC00723  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. LOC00722  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. LOC00724  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. LOC01602  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. LOC01604  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. LOC01736  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
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AcNo. LOC01738  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. LOC01739  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. N209-007  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. N261-001(01)  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. N261-001(02)  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. N261-001(03)  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. NDL-143-03-049  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. NDL-184-01-044  
Other texts on the print
Group Description Indivisual Description
Group Notes Indivisual Notes
AcNo. arcBK01-0042_72 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcBK01-0043-07 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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Copyright Copyright © 立命館ARC. All Rights Reserved.
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AcNo. arcBK01-0043-08 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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Copyright Copyright © 立命館ARC. All Rights Reserved.
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AcNo. arcBK01-0043-10 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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Copyright Copyright © 立命館ARC. All Rights Reserved.
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AcNo. arcBK01-0043-11 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcBK01-0043-15 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcBK01-0043-23 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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Copyright Copyright © 立命館ARC. All Rights Reserved.
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AcNo. arcBK01-0043-24 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcBK01-0043-25 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. arcUP2967 Collection 立命館ARC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. shiUY0146 Collection 立命館ARC(白樺文庫) Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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Copyright Copyright © 立命館ARC. All Rights Reserved.
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AcNo. H-22-1-11-3(1) Collection 国立歴史民俗博物館 Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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Copyright Copyright (C) 2006 - 2017 National Museum of Japanese History. All Rights Reserved.
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AcNo. H-22-1-11-3(2) Collection 国立歴史民俗博物館 Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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Copyright Copyright (C) 2006 - 2017 National Museum of Japanese History. All Rights Reserved.
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AcNo. LOC00441 Collection LOC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. LOC00443 Collection LOC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. LOC00721 Collection LOC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. LOC00723 Collection LOC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. LOC00722 Collection LOC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. LOC00724 Collection LOC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. LOC01602 Collection LOC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. LOC01604 Collection LOC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. LOC01736 Collection LOC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. LOC01738 Collection LOC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. LOC01739 Collection LOC Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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AcNo. N209-007 Collection 東京都立中央図書館 Original Accession No. N209-007 Collection Seal
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Copyright Copyright 2012- Tokyo Metropolitan Library. All rights reserved.
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AcNo. N261-001(01) Collection 東京都立中央図書館 Original Accession No. N261-001(01) Collection Seal
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Copyright Copyright 2012- Tokyo Metropolitan Library. All rights reserved.
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AcNo. N261-001(02) Collection 東京都立中央図書館 Original Accession No. N261-001(02) Collection Seal
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AcNo. N261-001(03) Collection 東京都立中央図書館 Original Accession No. N261-001(03) Collection Seal
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AcNo. NDL-143-03-049 Collection 国立国会図書館 Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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Copyright Copyright © 2011 National Diet Library. All Rights Reserved.
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AcNo. NDL-184-01-044 Collection 国立国会図書館 Original Accession No. Collection Seal
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