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作品No. JA13086 CoGNo. JA13086 Co重複: 1 AlGNo. JA13086 Al重複: 1 出版年: 1852 () 月日 地: 江戸 / Edo 出版備考: 嘉永05、 02閏03 順No.:( )
絵師略称 豊国〈3〉 絵師Roma Toyokuni (3) 落款印章 豊国画(年玉枠) / Toyokuni ga in red toshidama cartouche 彫師摺師 画中文字人名 立花姫 [3]岩井粂三郎 / Iwai Kumesaburô III as Tachibana-hime 改印 福、村松, Fuku, Muramatsu 判型 大判/錦絵 / ôban nishikie 続方向 作品位置 001:001/03;03 異版
作品名1 立花姫 ( たちはなひめ ) 1印No. 1板元No. 1板元名 井筒屋 庄吉 / Izutsuya Shôkichi 板元文字
作品名2 ( ) 2印No. 2板元No. 2板元名 板元備考
分類 役者絵, yakushae  画題 Dance scene depicting a love triangle between a princess named Tachibanahime, and Omiwa, daughter of sake shop owner, who both fall in love with the same man, Motome.   シリーズNo. 資料部門 浮世絵
作品No. JA13086 配役 立花姫 [3]岩井粂三郎 / Iwai Kumesaburô III as Tachibana-hime 
興行名 恋衣雁金染 よみ こいごろもかりがねぞめ / Koigoromo karigane zome 場立
外題 妹背山婦女庭訓 よみ いもせやまおんなていきん / Imoseyama Onna Teikin 場名
所作題 よみ 音曲種
細目種 よみ 上演年 嘉永05 05・02 03 場所 江戸 劇場 河原崎
作品No. JA13086  
組解説 Imoseyama Onna Teikin ( Husband and Wife Mountains: An Exemplary Tale of Womanly Virtue ) “Imoseyama Onna Teikin” is a gidayu-kyogen of jidai-mono [Ocho-mono/Odai-mono: tales of royalty/tales of the imperial era] describing the activities of Fujiwara no Kamatari, his son Tankai, and their party, who are attempting to overthrow the rebel Soga no Iruka who has sworn to take over the imperial throne. The following scenes are most commonly performed in this play: ‘Yoshinogawa’ (Yoshinogawa River) scene portrays the tragic story of Koganosuke and Hinadori, who love each other but perish due to tyranny of Iruka; and ‘Michiyuki Koi no Odamaki’ (Michiyuki Travel Scene : The Spools of Love), stylized dance scene depicting a love triangle between a princess named Tachibanahime, and Omiwa, daughter of sake shop owner, who both fall in love with the same man, Motome. The ‘Mikasayama Goten’ (Mikasayama Palace) scene in which Omiwa is sacrificed to get rid of Iruka. 個別解説
組備考 個別備考
作品No. JA13086 所蔵者名 The Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) 所蔵者資料No. 蔵印
所蔵者著作権表示 CC BY 4.0
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