組解説:Translation of the text: Fist game among three Buddhas
You are Amida Nyorai. You like mokugyo (musical instrument). Pon Poko no Pon (drumming), your compassion is decidedly immeasurable. The Buddhist gong resounds: kan, kan. What the hell are we doing, reading sutras? May the three of us rest in Buddha's peace!
個別備考:The censorship stamps correspond to those of the first edition from which this print was reused.
Description:In this copy the garments are patterned, and the name cartouches are red. In the copy of the Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen (Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde, Leiden) the garments lack patterns and the cartouches have no color.
The UCM copy follows the Waseda version. It is not retouched (two of the heads) like the Boston Museum of Fine Arts version. Therefore, it is understood that the Waseda and UCM are earlier versions.