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AcNo. CoGNo. JA13109  AlGNo. JA13109
Artist: 豊国〈3〉 (Toyokuni (3)) Signature: 豊国画(年玉枠) / Toyokuni ga in red toshidama cartouche Search artist 
Block Varver, Printer:  佐七刻 Sashichi Koku Search person  Person in picture:  新口村孫右衛門 / Magoemon from the Shinguchi´s village Search person 
Size & Tech.: 大判/錦絵 / ôban nishikie Continued direction: Position: 001 of 001 th  03 of 02 Pages
Col Overlap: 1 All Overlap: 1
Censor's Seal:    Date of publication: 1854 ()・10 (寅九, tora kyū) Place of publication:  江戸 / Edo  Same time
Title:  新口村孫右衛門 
      Magoemon from the Shinguchi´s village 
Date of Performance: 嘉永(1848)・ 1854・8 (25)
Performance Title: 初紅葉小倉色紙, The first autumn leaves on Ogura's colored paper  はつもみじおぐらのしきし
Play Title: 恋飛脚大和往来  こいびきゃくやまとおうらい
Cast: 新口村孫右衛門 [4]坂東彦三郎 / Bandô Hikosaburo Magoemon from the Shinguchi´s village   ActorsDB 
Group Description:The play "Meido no Hikyaku" was originally written for the puppet theater (Bunraku) by Chikamatsu Monzaemon and staged for the first time in Ôsaka at the Takemotoza in the 3rd lunar month of 1711. It was based on a real event that happened in Ôsaka the 5th of the 12th lunar month of 1710: a messenger named Chûbê was executed because he used some official money, which was entrusted to him, for the love of a courtesan named Umegawa. Chikamatsu Monzaemon was not the first author to work on this theme: the first drama was "Keisei Kuhonji Jôdo", which was staged in the 1st lunar month of 1711 in Kyôto at Miyako Mandayû's theater and starred Hanaoka Bunzaemon and Yamamoto Kamon in the roles of Chûbê and Umegawa. There was also a similar drama staged in Ôsaka in Spring 1711, starring Otowa Jirosaburô I and Sodeshima Genji in the roles of Chûbê and Umegawa (title unknown). Chikamatsu's rival Ki-no-Kaion wrote also his own version, entitled "Keisei Sandogasa", which was staged in the 10th lunar month of 1713 at the Toyotakeza. A Kabuki drama similar to "Meido no Hikyaku" was written by Namiki Shôzô I and staged under the title "Koi no Tayori Yamato Ôrai" (an other possible reading is "Koi no Hikyaku Yamato Ôrai") in the 7th lunar month of 1757 in Ôsaka at the Ônishi no Shibai (casting unknown). Another drama, which had a deep impact on the current contents of "Koi Bikyaku Yamato Ôrai", was written for the puppets by Suga Sensuke and Wakatake Fuemi, which was staged under the title "Keisei Koi no Hikyaku" in the 12th lunar month of 1773 at the Toyotakeza. It was adapted for Kabuki in the 2nd lunar month of 1796 at the Kado no Shibai [casting].
Genre:  役者絵, yakushae   Theme:   
Collection:The Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) Object Genre: 浮世絵
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