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AcNo. CoGNo. JA13111  AlGNo. JA13111
絵師: 豊国〈3〉 (Toyokuni (3)) 落款印章: 豊国画(年玉枠) / Toyokuni ga in red toshidama cartouche 絵師検索  画中人名:  八鎌鹿六 [3]浅尾奥山 しまのおとら [0]嵐島八 松虎薮平 [0]松本虎蔵 / 人物検索 
判型: 大判/錦絵 / ôban nishikie 続方向: 作品位置: 001 枚組の 001 番目  02 枚続の 02 枚目
Col重複: 1 All重複: 1
版印1  板元1  板元名1:  清水屋 直次郎 Shimizuya Naojiro 
改印:  衣笠、村田Kinugasa, Murata  出版年月: 1852 ()・8 (子八) 出版地:  江戸 / Edo  同時作品
作品名:  「八鎌鹿六」「しまのおとら」「松虎薮平」 
      Yakama Shikaroku, Shima no Otora, Matsutoya Yôhei 
場所: 江戸 河原崎  興行年表 
興行名: 児雷也豪傑譚語  じらいやごうけつものがたり / Jiraiya Gôketsu monogatari / The heroic tales of Jiraiya 場名: 鹿六宅の場, In Karoku´s house
配役: 八鎌鹿六 [3]浅尾奥山 しまのおとら [0]嵐島八 松虎薮平 [0]松本虎蔵 / Asao Okuyama III as Yakama Shikaroku, Arashi [***] as Shima no Otora and Matsumoto Torazō as Matsutoya Yōhei.   役者DB 
組解説:Jiraiya Gôketsu Monogatari (the Heroic Tales of Jiraiya in English) was premiered in the 7th lunar month of 1852 at the theater Kawarasakiza. This drama was based on the Jiraiya Gôketsu Monogatari popular series of illustrated books (kusazôshi), which were written by Mizugaki Egao (1789~1846), Keisai Eisen (1790~1848), Ryûkatei Tanekazu (1807~1858) and Ryûsuitei Tanekiyo (1821~1907). They were published in Japan from 1839 to 1868 (43 volumes). The hero of these books was modeled on a Chinese Robin Hood look-alike story. Utagawa Kunisada I and six disciples illustrated the books and they used the face of the great and extremely popular Kabuki star Onoe Kikugorô III to depict Jiraiya. In modern times, Jiraiya Gôketsu Monogatari was successfully revived in March 1975 at the National Theatre [casting]. Onoe Kikunosuke V, the young heir of the Otowaya guild, played the role of Jiraiya in the revival which was produced in Nagoya at the Misonoza in April 2004.
系統分類:  役者絵, yakushae   画題:  Heroic Tales of Jiraiya 

所蔵:The Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) 資料部門: 浮世絵
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