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No. cortazzi008  Nickname.
所蔵: 成立・出版年(西暦): 1658c  成立・出版年(和暦):   Place:  パリ
出版者(日): Mariette, Pierre
Publisher(英): Mariette, Pierre
作成者(日): Briet, Philippe
Cartographer(英): Briet, Philippe
Atlas / Book Title: Cartes Generales de toutes les parties du monde . . . par le Sieur Sanson d'Abbeville . . . L'Auteur . . . Pierre Mariette, Paris, 1658* (See: Map Comments)
Engraver: Somer Pruthenus, Jean Medium: 銅版画
Map Size: 37.0×52.0 cm Medium: - Area: 日本、朝鮮、蝦夷
Privilege: -
Map Notes (日):
Map Notes (英): (Walter:) A second state of the plate adds the designations "Iamaysoit", "Ietsen", "Ietsegen", "Quanto", and "Ochior" on the main island. "ou TOKOESI a 4.R." is added to Shikoku, and "ou SAYCOCK a jo. Roy.mes" to Kyushu. West of the Izu Peninsula "Pointe de Misaquiasi" is changed to "Pointe de MisaquiAsi" and "Bandel" is added. Northeast of Kyushu "Tocura" is corrected to "Cocura". This later state appears in Cartes Generales de la Geographie ancienne et nouvelle . . . par les S.rs Sanson . . . Chez L'Auteur, et chez Pierre Mariette, Paris, 1676. // Briet is known to have published Atlases in 1648, 1649 and 1653, but none of the listings mention a map of Japan. The 1653 Atlas was published by Pierre Mariette, and as he was a partner of N.Sanson. The map appeared in several editions of the Sanson Atlas, e.g. in Cartes Generales de toutes les parties du monde. . .par le Sieur Sanson d'Abbeville. . .Paris, Pierre Mariette 1658 [1663].
Map Discription:
Map Comments:
Japan Reference: AEN 275, v.1, [18]; Campbell: 17, pl. VIII; Cortazzi: pl. 67; Pastoureau: p.89
> List of References
Additional Reference: -
> List of References
Map Location: BN Shelfmark: GeDD 2641 (vol. II) (State 2)

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