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No. cortazzi033  Nickname.
資料名(日): A New Map of Great Tartary, and China
Title(英): A New Map of Great Tartary, and China
所蔵: 成立・出版年(西暦): 1700-1750  成立・出版年(和暦):   Place:  ロンドン
出版者(日): -
Publisher(英): -
作成者(日): Wells, E.
Cartographer(英): Wells, E.
Atlas / Book Title: In: A new Sett of Mapps of Ancient and Present Geography. . .together with a geographical treatise. . .By Edward Wells, D.D. sometime student of Christ Church, Oxon, and late rector of Cotesbach in Leicestershire
Engraver: - Medium: 銅版画
Map Size: 35.5×50.0 cm Medium: - Area: アジア (アジア大陸)
Privilege: Two insets: a) This Draught of the Country to the N.E. of China is made according to the memoirs of Martini, the Jesuits, etc. b) This draught of the country to the NNE, and East of China is according to the memoirs of Verbiest the Jesuite.
Map Notes (日):
Map Notes (英): -
Map Discription:
Map Comments:
Japan Reference: Cortazzi: pl. 88
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Additional Reference: -
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Map Location: NMM Shelfmark: Catalogue: 452 [29]

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