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No. cortazzi027  Nickname.
資料名(日): IEDO
Title(英): IEDO
所蔵: 成立・出版年(西暦): 1669  成立・出版年(和暦):   Place:  ロンドン
出版者(日): John Ogilby
Publisher(英): John Ogilby
作成者(日): Montanus, Arnoldus
Cartographer(英): Montanus, Arnoldus
Atlas / Book Title: From: Atlas Japannensis: | Being | Remarkable Addresses | by way of | Embassy | from the | East-India Company | of the | United Provinces, | to the | Emperor of Japan. | Containing | A Description | of their several | Territories, Cities, Temples, and Fortresses; | . . . | by Arnoldus Montanus. | English'd and Adorn'd with above a hundred several Sculptures, | By John Ogilby Esq; | Master of His Majesties Revels in the Kingdom of Ireland. | London, | Printed by Tho. Johnson for the Author, and are to be had at his | House in White Fryers. M.DC.LXX. [1670]
Engraver: - Medium: 銅版画
Map Size: 77.0×28.0 cm Medium: - Area: 江戸
Privilege: -
Map Notes (日):
Map Notes (英): With key to 62 points of interest, in English and repeated in Dutch, below. Map number 12 in volume IV.
Map Discription:
Map Comments:
Japan Reference: Cortazzi pl. 72
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Additional Reference: -
> List of References
Map Location: BL Shelfmark: 648.b.23

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