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No. cortazzi004  Nickname.
所蔵: 成立・出版年(西暦): 1636  成立・出版年(和暦):   Place:  アムステルダム
出版者(日): Janssonius, Johannes
Publisher(英): Janssonius, Johannes
作成者(日): Hondius, Jodocus
Cartographer(英): Hondius, Jodocus
Atlas / Book Title: GERARDI MERCATORIS | [-] | ATLAS | OR | a Geographicke Description, | of the Regions, Countries and Kingdomes of the | World, through EUROPE, ASIA, AFRICA & AME- | RICA, Represented by new & exact Maps. | The second Volume. | Translated by HENRY HEXAM, Quarter-maister to the | Regiment of Colonell Goring. | [-] | EDITIO [-] VLTIMA || Sumptibus & typis aneis Henrici Hondij, Amsterodami 1636.
Engraver: - Medium: 銅版画
Map Size: 34.0×45.5 cm Medium: - Area: 日本、中国、朝鮮、琉球
Privilege: -
Map Notes (日):
Map Notes (英): This is the second state of Mercator/Hondius map of Japan originally issued in 1606. The cartouche and some of the decoration were reengraved. Janssonius’s Atlases were issued in English, Latin and French, and the map of Japan was being issued unchanged, as late as 1662.
Map Discription:
Map Comments:
Japan Reference: Campbell: 10, pl. VI; Cortazzi: pl. 27; OAG: 18; v.d.K 8450:1A.1
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Additional Reference: -
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Map Location: SMA Shelfmark: A III 43

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