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No. cortazzi002  Nickname.
所蔵: 成立・出版年(西暦): 1595  成立・出版年(和暦):   Place:  アントワープ
出版者(日): Plantin, Christopher
Publisher(英): Plantin, Christopher
作成者(日): Ortelius, Abraham
Cartographer(英): Ortelius, Abraham
Atlas / Book Title: Originally published in: ADDITAMENTVM | QVINTVM, | THEATRI ORBIS | TERRARVM. | ABRAHAMVS ORTELIVS | Geographia studiosis. | Quum Theatrum nostrum recognitum,. . .| gantur. Valete, & Nostros labores boni consulite. | In Abrahami Ortelij diligentiam invictam. | ANTVERPIA, EX OFFICINA PLANTINIANA. | Cum Imperij, Belgica, e Brabantia privilegijs. (1595)
Engraver: Arsenius, Ferdinand & Ambrose Medium: 銅版画
Map Size: 35.5×48.5 cm Medium: Scala milliarum Aequinoctialium, 70 = 9.5 Area: 日本、中国、朝鮮、琉球
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Map Notes (日): -
Map Notes (英): Further editions - with the text in German, Latin, Dutch, French, Spanish, English, or Italian on the reverse - appeared in various editions of the Theatrum through 1612. An impression of a later state, with the date '1595' removed, is known to exist. PvdK (Vol. I) notes: . . .on 11 May 1641 Jan Galle was paid for printing 25 copies each of the 138 plates for a Spanish edition. Only two surviving copies of the Atlas are known, in the Newberry Library, Chicago and in Antwerp SB.
Map Discription: -
Map Comments: -
Japan Reference: AEN 173 [13]; Campbell 2, pl. III; Cortazzi pl. 25; OAG: 5; v.d.Krogt: 8450:31
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Additional Reference: -
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Map Location: BL Shelfmark: C.2.d.5

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