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No. cortazzi023  Nickname.
資料名(日): PLAN DE JEDO
Title(英): PLAN DE JEDO
所蔵: 成立・出版年(西暦): 1752  成立・出版年(和暦):   Place:  パリ
出版者(日): -
Publisher(英): -
作成者(日): Bellin, Jacques-Nicolas
Cartographer(英): Bellin, Jacques-Nicolas
Atlas / Book Title: Antoine-Francois Prevost, Histoire Generale Des Voyages, ou Nouvelle Collection De Toutes Les Relations De Voyages Par Mer Et Par Terre . . . Tome Dixieme . . . Chez Didot, Paris, 1752
Engraver: - Medium: 銅版画
Map Size: 25.0×25.0 cm Medium: 1:120,000 Area: 江戸
Privilege: -
Map Notes (日):
Map Notes (英): -
Map Discription:
Map Comments:
Japan Reference: Campbell: 68 c; Cortazzi: pl. 55
> List of References
Additional Reference: -
> List of References
Map Location: Private collection, London* Shelfmark: -

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