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AcNo. CoGNo. JA13162  AlGNo. JA13162
絵師: 豊国〈3〉 (Toyokuni (3)) 落款印章: 豊国画(年玉枠)/ Toyokuni ga in red toshidama cartouche 絵師検索 
判型: 大判/錦絵 / ôban nishikie 続方向: 作品位置: 001 枚組の 001 番目  01 枚続の 01 枚目
Col重複: 1 All重複: 1
版印1  板元1  板元名1:  木屋宗次郎 / Kiya Sojiro 
改印:  衣笠、村田 Hama, Magome  出版年月: 嘉永07 (1854)・9 (子九 / Kaei 5) 出版地:  江戸 / Edo  同時作品
作品名:  「熊谷次郎」 
      Kumagai no Jirō 
      Kumagai no Jirō 
配役: 熊谷次郎 〈8〉市川 団十郎  役者DB 
組解説:Actor Ichikawa Danjuro VIII as Kumagai no Jirō Naozane (熊谷 次郎 直実) (1141–1208) was a famous soldier who served the Minamoto clan. He is particularly known for killing the young warrior Taira no Atsumori at the battle of Ichi-no-tani in 1184. Later in life he became a Jōdo-shū Buddhist priest. Atsumori's death and the circumstances surrounding it went on to be fictionalized and retold in numerous forms, including the Heike Monogatari epic, a number of Noh plays, and in the jōruri and kabuki theatres as well. Woodblock reused from an earlier print belonging to a diptych of Ichikawa Danjuro acting as Kumagai.
系統分類:  役者絵  死絵, yakushae, shinie   画題:   
所蔵:The Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) 資料部門: 浮世絵
続き物・組み物 1280× 1024× 800× 100×

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